Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What You Seek Is Seeking You

“What you seek is seeking you.”   Rumi

Everything you are wanting is wanting you.

You just have to align to it.

It is just like having a radio set to 89.5….the radio station of 105.3 is still constantly emitting its signal even though YOU cannot get it because YOUR dial is set to 89.5.

Get it!

All you want is out there waiting for you to “change your dial” to be on the “channel” to receive it.

And how do you “change your dial”?

You raise your vibration so that you then match the vibration of how you would feel if you already had all that you are wanting.

It is really that simple.

Oh, and before I get the common comment of, “won’t some action be required”, let me add, if you stay high vibration and if any action is required, you will be inspired to do it.

It will be easy, it will feel like play.

You could do it all day.

It is joyful.

It does not feel like work or effort.

That is how you know that it is inspired action.

17 seconds of pure, positive, un-contradicted thought equals 2000 action hours.

You could not even begin to do enough action to equate to the ease of being aligned in thought and vibration to what you want.

To set “your channel” to receive what you are wanting, you need to find ways to really feel “as if” you already have all that you are wanting and therefore stay in a higher vibration dominantly.

Kathy Hadley

If you need more help, sign up for my free daily email coaching.

There are only 2 spots remaining for one on one email coaching special!!!


I am taking applications for those who want to get one on one direct email coaching at a greatly discounted rate of the training ($56) and then weekly ($75).

Step one will be some high powered work on money flows that so that you can attract back the cost of the coaching asap, but that is up to you following instructions and your vibration.  I don’t believe you will find this anywhere else and people are getting great results with it.

If you have already purchased the training, you can go right into the coaching.

If you are serious about improving your life, apply at


Monday, September 9, 2013

How Much Do You Add To Viral Negativity?

How much do you participate in and add to viral negativity?

If you've been reading my blog or getting my emails, I hope the answer is NONE!

Do you listen to gossip and pass it on?

Do you share negative news posts?

I ask that because what you put out (even in sharing) is what you will attract back.

If you keep spreading negativity, your own life won't improve.

Get in the habit of only listening to, engaging in and passing on positive information about personal matters and public matters.

Ask yourself, "Do I want more of this in my life?" If the answer is no, let it go.

When your life becomes dominantly positive, you will know it as you will attract mostly things you want into it.

Read other posts on this blog to help you to be more positive, increase your vibration and start to attract the life YOU want.

Kathy Hadley

P.S.  After posting this, one comment I got was "What about raising awareness?"  and my answer was

"This is a common misunderstanding about how Universal Laws work. Mother Teresa said it best in her quote "Don't invite me to an Anti-War Rally, I won't attend. Have a Peace rally and I'll be there." So, if there is something that you do not want, then find what it is that you DO want and raise awareness on that.)

If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

All The HUGE Discounts are ENDING May 31, 2013 at 9pm central time 

If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Keep It Simple - Raise Your Vibration

Some times you really need to hammer the simplicity of all this into your minds. 

We all have to. 
Not with effort, but with high intention and repetition while staying at ease.

If your life is not improving in all the areas you want it to then it most basically is something very simple. 

When I coach people one and one, I generally find that they are doing one thing in their daily "workshops" but are still operating in their other vibrational habits all of the rest of the time. 

If that is you -- and you know it is if things are not improving in the manner of your desires -- then really tell yourself, the simple, factual truth........
The vibration of the problem, situation, issue IS NOT the same vibration of the solution, improvement or desire. 
Check where you are on the Emotional Guidance Scale and go UP from there.  You will know when you are above BOREDOM most of the time, as life pretty much goes the way you want it to when you are.

Hammer it into your head: 
I just have to increase my vibration to feeling "as if" I already AM in the better solution!!!  
I just have to "feel better".  I just have to raise my vibration. 
Remind yourself of this all throughout the day by whatever means works for you.
Keep it simple.
Kathy Hadley
If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

All The HUGE Discounts are ENDING May 31, 2013 at 9pm central time 
If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Money Flows Where Happiness Goes

When you are dominantly in a higher vibration such as happiness you will be more abundant and prosperous.

When you are dominantly in a higher vibration, things are better for you in many areas of life.

Things just seem to go as you want them to when you are dominantly in a higher vibration.

However, there seems to be a bit of confusion on this as there are quite a few people who would say that they are happy but that they are NOT attracting good things to them.

And once again, there is the rub!

Most people really are not aware of where they are on the Emotional Guidance Scale and therefore do NOT know where they are vibrationally.

Many people who would definitely say that they are "happy" also have:

unforgiveness in them,
worry about things somewhat frequently,
may have drama in their life,
or they gossip about others.

Truly happy people have certain characteristics that I posted about before.

The good news is that from where ever you are now, you CAN get to where you want to be with some simple tools.

You can use EFT to release resistance, even unknown resistance.

You can do things to raise your dominant vibration until it becomes habit.

And as you do these things, all of your life will improve.  Most people see the improvements almost immediately in small and some in very large ways.

Money will flow where happiness, actually any higher vibration, goes. 

Kathy Hadley

If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Argue For Your Limitations And You Get To Keep Them

You are getting everything in your own life by what you are. 

That means what you are dominantly vibrating. 

Your dominant vibration is created by your dominant thoughts, beliefs, words, and what you put your attention on.

All Universal Laws make it so.

How Universal Laws work and how you can align to them once you know them to have the life you want is so very simple that most people just can't "have it". 

Since they want things that they apparently cannot create, they will come up with every excuse as to why they cannot do it or have it.

This is basically "arguing for your limitations".

I totally understand that.

It can get a bit frustrating to know that you create your own life, that you are the ONLY one creating your life, that you have wanted things for a long time and yet, for whatever reason, they have not manifest it, yet.

That is understandable.

However, as "understandable" as it is I would make a different suggestion.

I suggest you:

Keep the faith.

Keep knowing how it works and keep telling yourself what is the truth and keep getting more and more and more in alignment.

Keep raising your vibration.

Keep raising your self awareness.

Rather than "argue for your limitations" with statements like

"I've tried this before and it didn't work."

"I know all about the Law of Attraction but I can't get it to work for me."

"I've wanted this for a very long time and do affirmations but I still don't have it."

"I know people who've done all this and they don't have a great life."

You see, statements like that are in direct opposition to aligning and allowing all that you want to come to you.

You are arguing for your limitations and the life you DON'T WANT and you probably don't even know it.

If you are HERE and you want to be THERE, keep speaking about, feeling about, appreciating, feeling "as if" being happy about THERE until you finally GET THERE!!!

The more you personally align to the higher vibration of thinking, speaking, paying attention to, feeling and vibrating, the more other people will enter into your life who have done it and ARE doing it consistently!!!

The fact that you are even here reading this post is a VERY GOOD SIGN!!!

Keep doing THIS!

Here is to you continually being in alignment with all that you want to have your most perfect life.

Kathy Hadley

If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.

Monday, May 13, 2013

What Is Holding You Back?

The steps to applying the Law of Attraction to your life are simple:

1) You ask. 

(You do this by the dominant vibration you are emitting every moment, which is created by your dominant thoughts, words, feelings and where you put your attention.)

2) You are given.

(This is not your work.)

3) You believe and thus allow it to come to you.

(This is were most still don't have it because of unknown resistance.)

Allowing your good to come to you is the most important step and yet most people are not aware of all the resistance they have.

                         What is holding you back???

You may not be aware of it but below are some examples of what is holding you back.

You ask, but you immediately doubt.

You ask, but you don't really believe it.

You ask, but you prepare for the opposite.

You ask, and tell others and their disbelief causes you to disbelieve.

You ask, but you have not yet broken out of the unconscious habits you have that keep creating the old unwanted patterns.

How can you resolve these things?

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is great for releasing, even unknown to you, resistance.

Raising your dominant vibration is VERY IMPORTANT because everything you attract to yourself matches your dominant vibration.

All the tools and techniques to help you ALIGN with Universal Laws basically boil down to doing these two things:

1)  Raise your vibration.

2)  Release resistance.

If you can just do those, then you will attract all that you want. 

Kathy Hadley

If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy People Leave Clues - 22 Traits of Happy People

Most people want "things" or situations because they believe that it is in the "having" of those things and/or situations that THEN they will be happy.

However, it actually works the other way around.

BE HAPPY and then your happiness will vibrate out into the Universe and attract more to you to make you even happier!

Happiness leaves clues.

In other words, there are certain characteristics of happy people.

If you want to be happier, you might want to try on some of these.

1. Let things go.  Forgive and forget.
Happy people forgive and forget.  They let it go.  They really do.  They do not hold grudges and they treat those people as if nothing ever happened.  They do this so that those who may have "wronged them" are released and no longer have any power over them.  You see, it is a freeing thing.  It frees you up to have more in your own life.  All Universal Laws will take care of balancing out everything anyway, so just let it go.

2. Are kind and treat others as they would want to be treated.
Did you know that it has been scientifically proven that being kind makes you happier? Every time you perform a selfless act, your brain produces serotonin, a hormone that eases tension and lifts your spirits.   Plus, what goes around comes around, so how you treat others is how you will be treated.

3. Problems are merely opportunities in disguise.
Happy people don't think in terms of "problems".  They think in terms of situations and what needs to be done next.  Where are we now?  Where do we want to be?  What do we do next to get from here to there?  That is how happy people think.

4. Are inwardly and outwardly truly grateful for what they have already.
Regardless of if they are super rich, moderate or even on the lower economic scale, happy people feel very grateful and blessed for whatever they have.  This is why you will find happy poor people and some times, very unhappy rich people.......you find happy rich people, too.  They are the ones who knew all along that what makes them happy was not "the stuff".

5. Have huge dreams
Those who have always dreamed big are very happy.  They are happy while they are dreaming,  As a matter of fact, they are often times happier in the process of creating it more than when they actually achieve the end result.  Once a goal is achieved, they will immediately set another even larger one. 

6. Don’t sweat the small stuff and remember it is all small stuff.
Happy people don't let the "little blips" in life mess them up.  They see them for what they are and move on.  This goes along with #3.  Anything that comes up is just a situation to do something with, no more, no less.

7. Find good things to say about other people.
Happy people rarely gossip and when they are around it, they don't feel comfortable.  They will find good things to say about just about anything.  It just feels better to do so.

8. Take full responsibility for their life and what happens.
Happy people don't make excuses.  They know that they created or at least co-created everything in their life and deal with it.

9. Are in the present moment.
Happy people know that the only real moment we ever have is right now....this moment.  They spend almost no time thinking about the past, not even the past of yesterday.  They are mostly in the now and planning for a bright future. 

10. Sleep and wake well and when they want.
They have a stable pattern and live within the rhythm of their own bodies.  They sleep well and deep and as much as they need.  They wake up refreshed and rested, ready for a new day.

11. They do not compare themselves to others.
The only comparison they make is from how they were before.  They understand that everyone has different talents and abilities.  They also understand that people have their own speed and method of achieving things.  They do what they do well and are wanting to improve themselves.

12. Surround themselves with other happy people.
People are most like those they surround themselves with.  Happy people surround themselves with other happy people.  They allow others to fade harmoniously away.

13. Do not seek nor need the approval of others.
Happy people don’t care what others think of them. They follow their own hearts without letting naysayers discourage them. They understand that it’s impossible to please everyone. Listen to what people have to say, but never seek anyone’s approval but your own.

14. Are good listeners.
They are good at listening and really hearing what people are saying.  Happy people will tend to be able to even feel more deeply what someone is really saying.

15. Are social.
Most lonely people are miserable.  Happy people can be alone, but don't feel lonely as they have many friends and relationships with others.

16. Take some time every day to quiet their minds.
Call it meditation, prayer or whatever you like, happy people take time to do this daily in order to connect with an Inner Voice or Source or God. 

17. Eat food that is good for them and satisfies them on many levels.
Happy people are drawn to high quality foods that not only look and taste good but that are good for them.  These are good foods that are prepared well.  These foods have a high Life Force.

18. Move the body.
They get regular exercise because they want to.  It is fun for them.  It feels good.  They do something they like to get this exercise.  And in doing this, it makes them even happier because exercise increases "happy" hormones in the body and raises your vibration.

19. Have clutter free lives.
Happy people don't have clutter in their environments or their minds.  Their happiness is self created in each moment of now so they have no need to hold on to too many "things" to remind them of happy times.

20. Are honest.
They are honest.  They know that it is just more practical to be honest.  That way they can free up their mind to do other things.

21. Choose their own destiny.
Happy people decide what they want and then make it happen. 

22. Change what they can and accept what they cannot change.
Whether they know it or not, happy people live by the Serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.

It is no wonder than the happiest people are also the most successful people.

Kathy Hadley

If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

As You Get Your Perfect Life Allowing Will Be Required - Mother Teresa's Words Can Help

As you raise in vibration, there will be those who will have to pull away from you.

Often times, their logical thinking mind will have to find a reason for doing so, especially if you have helped them or they really admired you.

In doing this, they may find fault with you.

This is where you must learn to allow.

If your life is continuing to improve and good things are happening for you that are doing no harm to anyone, that is how you know you are on the right path, so do not shift what you are doing.

Instead allow them to fade away.  It can be challenging but is required if you want to continue having the life you want.

This writing from Mother Teresa helps me when that happens.  Maybe it can help you, too.

People are often unreasonable and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.

If you are honest, people may cheat you.
Be honest anyway.

If you find happiness, people may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.

For you see, in the end, it is between you and God.

It was never between you and them anyway.”

― Mother Teresa
Keep looking at where you are on the Emotional Guidance scale and look at what you are attracting and if it is all good, then keep moving forward.
Kathy Hadley
If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.

Friday, May 10, 2013

It All Starts In The Space Between Your Ears

Everything in your life, good/bad, up/down, happy/sad all starts in the space between your ears.

In other words, what you think about something is what it will be for you.

Nothing has a meaning until YOU give it one!!!

I bet you can relate to some of these examples:

Someone needs to write a blog post and they stress about it for days and then when someone else comes to help them, it is done is less than 30 minutes.

It could've always been done in less than 30 minutes!!! 

It was their mind-set and thinking that caused it to take days and cause so much stress!

There are a million examples of this.

Someone could do the dishes and clean up right after dinner and it would take 5 to 20 minutes and the kitchen would be all clean.

They don't.....keep thinking about it and then get stressed out about it and then the next morning, they start their day with the mess from last night and get mad at themselves and then start their day on a bad note.

When it could've just been done and over.  Go to sleep with a clean kitchen, sleep well and wake up to a new day.

The good news is that you can change this pattern as it is just a habit.

A new habit can be developed in as little as 21 days.

First, decide to do it different.  Write it down.

Then, every day, do it.  Give yourself little rewards for doing it.  Good job notes to yourself.  Your favorite hot beverage.  Little things you like that are free to reward yourself.

As you keep doing it, it will become a habit and once a habit, it will get easier until you can't even remember ever having been the other way.

And as you do all this, The Law of Attraction will align with your new behavior and make it easier for you, too.

If you need help with this, contact me.  support@kathyhadleylifecoach.com

Kathy Hadley

If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Learn How To Work With Universal Laws To Have The Life You Want

The Wright Brothers didn't invent the plane by complaining about the Laws of Physics and Gravity.

They learned how to work WITH these laws to lift a plane off the ground and fly.

Working with these laws, thousands of pounds of aircraft with people and cargo fly every day.

Just like that, you can learn to work with Universal Laws to make what seemed impossible (like flying) be not only possible but ordinary in day to day life.

You just have to learn how they work and how you can use them.

Can You Decide To Have Something Today and KNOW You Will Have It?

That is what The Law of Deliberate Creation is all about.

Are you aligning to it?

Do you even know what it is?

The Laws of the Universe are working 24/7 non-stop whether you know it or not or whether you believe it or not.

It is all about learning to align to the Laws to work for you deliberately.

Find out where you are on the Emotional Guidance Scale.

Then, start to raise your vibration.

Then, relieve any resistance you have to allowing the good you want to come to you with EFT.

And read all the other posts on this blog to help you along, too.

Here is to you creating the life you want as easily as possible.

Kathy Hadley

If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Turn "Head Knowledge" Into Practical Life Changing Habits

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is knowing you don't put it in a fruit salad.

Many people have "knowledge" about Universal Laws such as the Law of Attraction, yet, have not acquired the understanding that leads to the wisdom of applying those Laws consistently to get what they want.

This is when someone outside of you can help you.

It is just like when you were learning to drive a car.

At first, it seemed like there was so much to remember and to do and it seemed very difficult.

However, once you got the hang of it, it was easy.

And now, it is second nature. 

You don't even have to think about it.

Could you just read a book or manual and get in a car and teach yourself how to drive.


Would it be easier to have a driving instructor in the car with you to help you as you go along?

Most certainly!!!

And yet, in LIFE, we often try to struggle along all on our own because after all, we KNOW all about it.

And all the while, we keep putting the tomato in the fruit salad.

In other words, we keep getting what you don't want in life.

You can actually turn the knowledge you have about Universal Laws into such a habit that applying them consistently to get the life you want becomes habit------just like driving a car.

Read some of my earlier post about raising your vibration and feeling gratitude and others to see how you can do that now.

Kathy Hadley

If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

More On How To Deliberately Create Your Life

I have been asked probably thousands of times the same question: "How can I get Law of Attraction to work for me?"

The answer is:

"Law of Attraction is constantly working every moment of every day bringing you more of that which matches your dominant vibration which is most likely a match to what you put most of your thoughts and attention on. You don't have to MAKE IT WORKS. It just is working."

The reason that question keeps getting asked is because the answer is not satisfying to the majority of people.

People want to know that there is something that they can "turn on" to get Law of Attraction (LOA) to work for them for what they want.

And that is just not how it works.

LOA is working 24/7 non-stop all the time for everyone.

The better question people could ask would be more like this:

"What do I need to do, if anything, to apply LOA deliberately so that I get what I want and not more of what I don't want".

That is what I've been helping people first to realize and then to apply in their own lives with great success.

There are thousands of books, websites, coaches, audios and videos about all of this already.

Then why would ANYONE still be coming to me (or anyone else) for help.

Because they have not yet realized that they can either put their attention on what is wanted or they can unknowingly keep putting their attention on the worries, upsets, cares and woes of what they don't want and keep getting more of that.

LOA works perfectly all the time.

You keep lamenting something that is wrong and you will, sure enough, keep getting more of it.

I find those who seem to think they know the most on this journey of life the most challenging ones to get to see that THEY are the ones that keep putting their own attention and emotion on unwanted things and thus getting more of it.


I could go on and on about that, however, that's not my style. My goal is to get on with it. Give people something they can do right now to get positive results.

First, realize now, right now, that YOU and ONLY YOU are the ONLY person who is now, has ever or will ever be the creator of YOUR life.


That should be a very freeing realization because if YOU are the only person who is in charge of YOU, then YOU only have to work on YOU in order to get what you want.

Second, take a real good look at your day to day activities.

Listen folks, that is where all this creation is happening.

Yes, sitting down to meditate or going to seminars and reading books are all great, but the MAIN amount of creation for wanted and unwanted things that are happening in YOUR life is in the moment by moment thoughts, emotions and habits you are in.

Those are the things you are getting more of.

It is that simple.

I use the analogy of "the tail wagging the dog". Backwards, yes, but that is what most people are unknowingly doing.

You wait until something apparently "bad" happens and then you REACT to it.

Stop right then. Ask yourself, would I be doing this action or thinking this thought IF my life was only filled with what is wanted.

The answer is probably NO!

It can even appear as if that what you are doing is a "good" thing. But be aware.

For example:

You could have been meditating all last night for perfect interactions at work. You arrive at work the next morning and "all hell as broken loose".

So you decide that you are going to find an inspirational quote and send it out to all the staff because that will help everyone get along better.

Now, ask yourself, would you have sent out an inspirational quote to all the staff for them all to get along better if they were indeed getting along.


If you deliberately are creating your life and thus pre-paving and believing for the wanted you have launched out into the Universe, then if you did indeed come into work and everyone else was upset, it would NOT affect you. You would be in a different vibrational realm from all of them.

This is where allowing comes in.

If on the other hand, you do let it affect you vibrationally, then you are like all the billions of people on the planet who are wondering...

"How do I get Law of Attraction to work for me?"

The steps of applying Law of Attraction deliberately toward wanted things are simple.

Here they are again in brief:

Ask - you simply ask for what you want without contradicting it with thoughts of lack, limitation or unworthiness.  You ask mostly with how you vibrate, so raising your dominant vibration is key.

It is Given - This is not YOUR work. The Universe always answers your vibrational requests, it matches them perfectly constantly.

Receive - Allow the good to come to you. This is where allowing comes in from the above example. You stay focused on your want and feel the feelings of already having it so that you are a vibrational match to what is wanted regardless of what is happening around you.

That's IT!!

Now, find joy.

Find ways in your moment by moment life to appreciate what you already have.

Desire more things that you can believe that you can have now.


You never get it wrong because you never get it done.  It is a "work in process".

However, it will get better and better all the time so look for those improvements to see if you are going in the direction of what is wanted.

My wish for all of you is that you deliberately create your most perfect life in each moment.

Kathy Hadley

If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.

Monday, May 6, 2013

How? How? How? How Do I Manifest What I Want?

The big question that I get all the time…..I’ll repeat that……that I get all the time.


How do I get more money?

How do I get my perfect relationship?

How do I boom my business?

How? How? How?

And the answer is very unsatisfying to most of you because it just seems too simple after all the work you think you've done.

You ask.

Yep, that is it. You ask.

As a matter of fact, you are continually "asking".

You cannot help it.

You are "asking" every moment by the vibrational frequency you are emitting.

Some times you direct your asking with words and such (or think you do), but it is really your dominant vibration that is the frequency going out into the Universe and attracting back to you everything.

What affects your dominant vibration?

Your thoughts, the things you talk about, where you put your attention most of the time, the people you surround yourself with, your environment but mostly it is just how you feel.

Therefore, the most important thing you can do to have the life you want is to find out where you are on the Emotional Guidance Scale and to find ways to feel better thus raising your vibration.

Gratitude is one tool that is great for doing this.

As for other tools and processes to help you do that…..there are thousands.

In the personal coaching I do with people, I laser focus some techniques that get fast results.

In general, here are some more suggestions:  visualize it, listen to music that makes you joyful, write it down, journal daily, make and look at a vision board, basically do things that make you happy and also focus your attention deliberately onto what you are wanting.

Try those things or find other tools that help you to be in alignment with your bliss and joy.

The only reason you want anything different anyway is because you think that in the having of it, you will be happier.

So just be happier and thus you will be in the vibrational alignment with that which you want to attract and thus will attract it.


Follow your bliss.

Right now, take some time and feel a bit better about anything.

You never get it wrong because you never get it done.

I wish you all the best!

Kathy Hadley

If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Rose By Any Other Name......

Like most people, I have many people in my life; family, friends, business associates, acquaintances, etc.

I have always been very interested in people.

I find all the differences and life stories of people fascinating.

I also find personal joy and happiness in helping people.

Anyone who knows me well knows the things I say often.

One of those things is....even though some people may use different words, they could be saying the same thing.

Personally, I don't get too attached or concerned with what words someone uses as long as I can understand the intention behind the words.

So when someone is talking to me about Universal Laws whether they are quoting some scripture, a book, a philosopher or anyone, I look for the similarities and the intention behind the words. More often than not, the intentions are the same.

I use the "words" to describe my process of coaching as applying Universal Laws, Law of Attraction, Law of Deliberate Creation (which is Law of Creation) and Law of Allowing and others.

You can find these same or similar concepts by other names.

It all boils down to the same basic intention.

In my coaching, I'm all about results, not so much what your particular belief structure is or what you want to call something.

It's all OK with me as long as I'm in alignment with the heart and intention of it so that I can be joyful in our interactions.

So, just as "a rose by any other name will smell as sweet" ......a positive, beneficial to all, life philosophy that gets results is fine by me regardless of what you call it.

Kathy Hadley

If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Count Your Blessings - Gratitude As A Success Technique

I was just doing my normal daily routine as always and as always, I start out and end each day with a prayer, meditation, I call it “my workshop” about all that I’m grateful for and intending for my future.

Today isn’t particularly different than other days.

Actually, I live a very blessed life and I’m very, very grateful for it.

However, just a moment ago, I noticed so much good in my life to be grateful about, I thought I should take a moment to write it down and share it with you.

Maybe it is because of all the wonderful, collaborations going on right now.

Maybe it is just that it hit me to be particularly thankful for my wonderful life.

Whatever the reason, I just want the world to know, I’m thankful for all I’ve been blessed with.

I love all my family and friends.

I’m grateful for all my life experiences (even the ones I wouldn’t want to re-live) because they are what brought me to where I am today.

Could my life be better? Sure. (We all think that I think.)

I am extremely happy and content with how it is right now, too.

And it is getting better and better all the time.

Have I had troubles, mistakes, issues, difficulties and losses in my life?  Sure.

Here I am.

The people who really love me know all my ups and downs and still love me unconditionally.

The ones who do not understand Law of Attraction and that THEY and only THEY have created, are creating and will always create their own life, may have difficulty understanding all this.

I know that me, myself and I have created everything that has ever been or will ever be in my life.

If not the exact incidences, I created my reaction to them which affected me and therefore drew more of that to me, good or bad.

I know that.

I, just like all the people I have coached and help with posts here now, am a “work in process” and am getting better and better all the time.

Now that I’ve been inspired to write all this, I sit here and ponder… what is the purpose of this? (especially since I’m results oriented.)

I believe at this moment the purpose of all this is to remind all of us to be thankful, to count our blessings, to know we are solely responsible for our lives and to intend happiness and joy in the future.

By putting your attention, intention on and feeling the emotions of appreciation and thankfulness, you draw more things that make you feel appreciative and thankful to you.

Gratitude is a great success technique when you can really FEEL the feelings of appreciation.

Law of Attraction makes it so.

Kathy Hadley

If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.